Police clearance certificate if you have outstanding debts in UAE


Immergity Immigration Consultant
Photo by Alice Pasqual on Unsplash

A police clearance certificate (PCC) is a vital document required for immigration to Canada, and it is issued by the authorities in the country where the applicant has lived for a certain period of time. The certificate is required to prove that the applicant has no criminal record and is considered to be a person of good character.

However, if you have outstanding debts in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), obtaining a police clearance certificate can be a challenge. In this article, we will explore the implications of unpaid debts on your PCC and what you can do to overcome this obstacle.

What is a Police Clearance Certificate?

A police clearance certificate is a document issued by the police or government authorities in the country where an individual has lived for a certain period of time. The certificate indicates whether the individual has any criminal records or not.

The certificate is an important document required for immigration and visa applications, especially for countries like Canada. It is required to prove that the applicant is a person of good character and does not pose a threat to the safety and security of the country.

What Happens if You Have Unpaid Debts in UAE?

If you have unpaid debts in the UAE, this can potentially impact your PCC application. The UAE has a strict debt repayment policy, and failure to repay debts can result in legal action, including criminal charges.

If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, your PCC application may be delayed or even rejected. The authorities may view the unpaid debts as evidence of poor character and may question your ability to repay debts or maintain financial stability in Canada.

Can Unpaid Debts Lead to PCC Refusal?

Yes, unpaid debts can lead to PCC refusal. If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, this may be seen as a negative factor when applying for a PCC. The authorities may view the unpaid debts as evidence of poor character, and this may result in the rejection of your application.

In addition to unpaid debts, other factors that may lead to PCC refusal include criminal convictions, pending criminal charges, and other negative factors that may indicate a lack of good character.

What Can You Do to Overcome This Obstacle?

If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, there are several steps you can take to overcome this obstacle and obtain a PCC:

  1. Contact Your Lender: If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, it is important to contact your lender and make arrangements to repay the debts. This can demonstrate your commitment to resolving the issue and may help to mitigate the negative impact on your PCC application.
  2. Obtain a No Objection Certificate: If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, you may be able to obtain a no objection certificate (NOC) from your lender. The NOC indicates that you have made arrangements to repay the debts and that there are no legal proceedings against you. This can be submitted with your PCC application to demonstrate your commitment to resolving the issue.
  3. Provide an Explanation: If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, it is important to provide a clear and honest explanation of the situation in your PCC application. This can include details of the debts, the steps you have taken to repay them, and any extenuating circumstances that may have contributed to the issue.
  4. Seek Professional Assistance: If you have outstanding debts in the UAE and are concerned about the impact on your PCC application, it is important to seek professional assistance. An immigration lawyer or immigration consultant can provide guidance on the application process and help you to address any negative factors that may impact your application.


Obtaining a police clearance certificate is an important step in the immigration process, especially for countries like Canada. However, if you have outstanding debts in the UAE , obtaining a PCC can be a challenge. Unpaid debts may be seen as evidence of poor character and may result in the rejection of your application.

If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, it is important to take steps to address the issue and demonstrate your commitment to resolving the situation. This can include contacting your lender, obtaining a no objection certificate, providing an explanation in your PCC application, and seeking professional assistance.

It’s important to be honest and transparent throughout the application process. If you have outstanding debts in the UAE, it’s better to disclose this information and explain the steps you have taken to address the issue, rather than trying to hide the information.

In summary, if you have outstanding debts in the UAE, it may impact your PCC application. It’s important to take steps to address the issue and demonstrate your commitment to resolving the situation. Seek professional assistance if necessary to ensure that your PCC application is as strong as possible. For more information on PCC applications and other immigration topics, visit Canada Immigration Visa.



Immergity Immigration Consultant

Specializing in Spousal Sponsorship, Permanent Residence, Study Permit, Work Permit, Family Sponsorship, Business and Tourist Visa for immigration to Canada.